Annual Bluegrass

Annual Bluegrass is a light green, cool-season grass that is found throughout the United States. It is sometimes grown as a turfgrass, but is more commonly a weed in lawns and landscape beds, where it can form a dense mat.

If left unmoved, Annual Bluegrass can grow in 6- to 8-inch-high bunches or "clumps," and produces an abundance of seeds. Seeds are easily spread by foot traffic, lawn mowers and trimmers. New seeds begin germinating in late summer, and plants become very noticeable during winter and spring, especially in dormant, warm-season grasses that are grown in mild winter climates. Annual Bluegrass dies out during summer heat. It is best controlled with pre-emergent herbicides applied in late summer to early fall. Contact your local cooperative extension for exact timing for your area.



Annual Bluegrass is found throughout the United States.


Related or Similar Plants

Kentucky Bluegrass—Poa pratensis (perennial and desirable turfgrass)

Cultural Solutions

  • Hoe or pull by hand before seeds set.
  • Mulch planting beds to smother Annual Bluegrass.