Goosegrass is an annual grassy weed, similar in appearance to Crabgrass, except it is darker green and has more leaf blades, resembling spokes in a wagon wheel when viewed from above. The leaf blades are å_ inch wide and 2 to 10 inches long. They form a tight, spreading clump that can reach over 2 feet wide. Flower stems are upright with two or more fingerlike spikelets at the tip. Flowers and seeds are arranged in two rows on one side of the spikelet.
Goosegrass grows in warm conditions and thrives in compacted soil.
Goosegrass is most often found in Western and Southern states.
Related or Similar Plants
Crabgrass, Dallisgrass, Bermudagrass
Cultural Solutions
- Reduce soil compaction and regularly fertilize.
- Young plants are easily removed by hand weeding.