Ticks are arachnids, like Spiders and Mites. They are very small (1/16 inch to 1/8 inch before feeding) and can be reddish-brown or pinkish-grey with a leathery texture. Ticks wait for a proper host, often a warm-blooded animal such as a deer, pet, or person to walk near the plant or grass they are perched on, then let go and climb onto their host. Some pests also prefer cold-blooded animals such as birds or reptiles. They sink their mouthparts and head into the flesh of their host, and feed on the blood. They can continue to feed for up to 15 days.
Tick bites create a rash with a bright red center. Ticks are most abundant in wooded and marshy areas during warm temperatures. Ticks can carry many diseases such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Lyme Disease to humans.
Ticks are commonly found east of the Rocky Mountains but can also occur in the West.
Similar or Related Pests
Chiggers and Fleas
Cultural Solutions
- Keep grass and weeds trimmed; Ticks love to hide in tall grass.
- Keep your pets current on Tick control measures — pets are common carriers of Ticks into the home.
- Use Tick repellent on your pets and wash them regularly.
- Cover exposed areas of skin when hiking or walking in woody or marshy areas. Tape or tuck loose pant legs into socks.
- When you come indoors, check for Ticks by doing a full body check, including your head and scalp.
- For proper Tick removal visit: http://www.cdc.gov/ticks/removing_a_tick.html